Dos and Don’ts- Tips for Using Hair Perming Lotions Effectively

  • By:BINGO
  • 2024-05-10
  • 37

Perm lotions are a great way to add curl and volume to your hair. However, it’s important to use them correctly to avoid damaging your hair. Here are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind:


Choose the right perm lotion: There are many different types of perm lotions available, so it’s important to choose one that’s right for your hair type. If you have fine or damaged hair, you’ll need to use a milder lotion. If you have thick or coarse hair, you can use a stronger lotion.

Follow the instructions carefully: Each perm lotion will have its own set of instructions. Be sure to follow them carefully to avoid damaging your hair.

Test the lotion on a small area of hair first: This will help you to make sure that you’re not allergic to the lotion and that it won’t damage your hair.

Use a neutralizer: After you’ve permed your hair, you need to use a neutralizer to stop the chemical process. This will help to prevent your hair from becoming over-processed and damaged.

Condition your hair regularly: Perming can dry out your hair, so it’s important to condition it regularly to keep it healthy and looking its best.


Perm your hair too often: Perming can damage your hair, so it’s important to avoid perming it too often. Most experts recommend waiting at least 6 months between perms.

Perm your hair if it’s damaged or bleached: If your hair is damaged or bleached, it’s more likely to be damaged by a perm. It’s best to wait until your hair is healthy again before perming it.

Use too much perm lotion: Using too much perm lotion can damage your hair. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package carefully.

Leave the perm lotion on for too long: Leaving the perm lotion on for too long can damage your hair. Be sure to check the instructions on the package to see how long you should leave it on.

Skip the neutralizer: Skipping the neutralizer can damage your hair. Be sure to use it after you’ve permed your hair to stop the chemical process.

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